

Ride Wollongong wholeheartedly support the goal of achieving climate neutrality for our sport. Please explore the ways we reduce our footprint and help maintain Wollongong’s pristine surrounds.


Sustainable Transportation:

Ride Wollongong is committed to actively encouraging all spectators, workforce, and other stakeholders to choose sustainable transportation options, such as bicycles, active mobility, and public transport when traveling to our events and places of work.

Low-Carbon Transportation:
Recognising the significant environmental impacts associated with our sport, Ride Wollongong is dedicated to embracing low-carbon transportation solutions. In addition, we will take a leading role in advocating for the improvement of infrastructure and cleaner logistics processes at all the locations where our sport is held, thereby contributing to global climate goals.

Climate Adaptation Strategy:
 As part of our commitment to address climate change challenges, we will work collaboratively to manage its impacts and minimise risks. For instance, we will implement a severe weather policy to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants and spectators during our events.

Advancing Sustainable Consumption:
Ride Wollongong commits to advancing sustainable consumption by featuring a dedicated Cycling Expo area with stands of green partner companies and Bike Friendly Businesses/Employers showcasing climate-friendly goods and services. Spectators will be encouraged to explore new, green products, services and organisations.

Prioritizing Solutions for a Circular Economy:
Ride Wollongong will prioritise solutions that optimize natural resources and commit to a circular economy where nothing is wasted, and biodiversity is protected, valued, and restored. As part of this commitment, Ride Wollongong will implement waste separation and provide dedicated recycling bins at our events. Additionally, we will replace single-use items with biodegradable and compostable cutlery and plates, and encourage the use of reusable cups and glasses.

Renewable Energy:
Whenever available, Ride Wollongong will prioritize the purchase of electricity produced from 100% renewable energy sources.

Promoting Biodiversity Conservation:
Ride Wollongong will be a platform to influence attitudes towards biodiversity and its conservation. We will actively promote responsible outdoor ethics, emphasising the importance of leaving no trace, respecting wildlife, and staying on designated trails to protect natural habitats.

ride wollongong - south 32
elite energy events
The disability trust
elite energy events